Known as the classic meal in Brazil, rice and beans was often seen as an old-fashioned food that wouldn’t fit modern days diets and habits. The redesign of Broto Legal had the mission to change this scenario and show young generations that rice and beans can be healthy and tasty. From basics to unusual recipes, the new packages explore different flavors and ingredients. The result are bright and pleasant designs that represent the new diversity of Brazilian people.
Design Coordinators: Bruno Didário, Thiago Bellas
Account Managers: Alexandre Colin, Isadora Rios
Designers: Bruno Didário, Fabio Haag, Isis Wolf, Waldir Boaretto, Thello Caetano
Artworkers: Elaine Habara, Fabio Gravina, Lucia Santos
Photography: Fresh Studio, Oeste Imagem
All copyrights belong to Broto Legal Alimentos and Pande Branding & Design