The brand of juices enriched with vitamins Luminous Life had low sales and little adherence in the consumer's memory. Therefore, the challenge was to completely reformulate the brand, including changing its name. In addition to increasing sales, the goal was to create packaging that could be part of the consumer's daily life, expressing the naturalness of fruits and the technology of vitamins.

After research with consumers, we identified that the most relevant RTB of the previous brand was the Life Mix vitamin complex. From it, we created the new brand, highlighting the spectrum of vitamins combined with the natural flavors of the fruit. The colored leaf icon is the synthesis of the brand's essence and the predominant green color plays a essential role in the shelves. As a result of the new design, the brand gained accreditation in several supermarkets across the country and managed to increase sales.

Design Coordinators: Bruno Didário, Margo Doi Takeda
Account Manager: Juliana Gonzales
Designers: Bruno Didário
Artworkers: Edgar Marculino
All copyrights belong to WNutritional and A10